Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Style And Fashion Expert Gives Away Free "Passport To French Chic" Stylist Advice iBook

Style and fashion expert Sharon Haver, the founder of, believes fashion stylist advice should be accessible to everyone. With that, the fashion blog website is giving away, for a limited time, the best of  timeless FocusOnStyle style tips to master simple stylish Parisian style, in the free ibook download, Passport to French Chic:  The best of timeless FocusOnStyle tips to Parisian style… even if you come from Brooklyn as a gift for joining the fashion newsletter.

To celebrate the 14th anniversary online, Haver has culled the most popular French Chic stylist tips from the fashion archives and presents them in a petite easy-to-follow illustrated guide brimming with simple takeaway Parisian style strategies to amp up your personal style.

Anybody interested in claiming their free French Chic style guide, can access it from here, and also be kept up-to-date with regular expert can-do chic tips to hone the skills to become their own stylist. "I believe in sharing my over two decades of professional fashion expert skills for the everyday woman to master her own personal style without having to depend on a stylist to do it for her," says Sharon Haver. "My readers gravitate to the élan of easy French Chic. I have curated the most popular ageless style tips and put them in one very easy-follow-guide in "Passport to French Chic" as a gift for joining my fashion newsletter email updates," adds Haver.

Haver may not be from Paris but the New York native does know style. "From my over two decades in the fashion industry from stylist to founder of, and as a style mentor to help YOU make the most of what you've got, there are certain principals of effortless chic and everyday elegance that the French have down pat. But just like a superb croissant or a crispy French fry, the delicious appeal is universal and with fewer calories," says Haver.

Addressing the concerns of helping the everyday woman master timeless and ageless personal style, launched in 1999 as an extension of Haver's syndicated fashion advice column on the Scripps Howard News Service that was distributed weekly to 400 newspapers. The column and the web site are a way for the fashion stylist to share insider tips and tricks that she honed on photo shoots during her vast 15 year career as a go-to New York fashion stylist.

As a fashion guru, Haver starred in her own national Macy's TV commercial, been a spokesperson, authored a contribution as a style achiever in the book, "65 Things to Do When You Retire, 65 Notable Achievers on How to Make the Most of the Rest of Your Life," along with President Jimmy Carter and Gloria Steinem. She is a media personality and frequently quoted fashion expert.

The style mentor feels most fulfilled enlightening others to feel self-confident by reaching their highest potential of timeless and age-appropriate personal style without having to rely on a stylist to dress them. Haver is currently writing a style book, creating a series of personal development style resources, and launching a limited availability of VIP one-on-one style mentoring sessions, along with acting as editor in chief at

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